By: on May 31, 2023
The difference between being selfish and selfless lies in one's priorities and intentions. Being selfish is when a person prioritizes their needs, wants, and desires above others, often at the expense of others' well-being. On the other hand, being selfless is putting others' needs, wants, and desires above oneself, even if it means sacrificing personal comfort or resources. Putting yourself first isn't selfish; it's essential for maintaining a balanced life. It's essential to balance being s...
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By: on May 24, 2023
In our fast-paced world of time-zapping apps and making time for everything and everyone, concentrating on who we want to become takes time and effort. To be the best version of ourselves, we must take a step back and evaluate our lives. By focusing on personal growth, we can unlock our full potential and live a more fulfilling life. In this super short blog post, we'll explore three practical ways to focus on becoming the best version of yourself.   1. Cultivate Mindfulness and Self-Aware...
3.4k+ views 6 loves